Groundbreakers is a series in which we profile notable and seminal female landscape architects. In this edition is: Lota de Mercado Soares Marion Mahoney Griffin Gertrude Jekyll Cornelia Hahn Oberliner We also include a reading list in each issue.

Exceptional work produced by Landscape Architecture students at RMIT in the Spring Semester of 2019. The publication contains undergraduate work, masters work and major project (masters) work. All work from Landscape Architecture Design Studios or Major Project.

A designer provides contemporary design theory and philosophical references to make sense of Kanye West's positions. I decided to amek this after watching an October 2019 Beats 1 interview, and my mind went to Walden, modernist panning principles, Pallasmaa, natural aesthetics, Noguchi, Kate Orff, Alain de Button.

This inaugural issue of SLABalogue collects together exceptional work produced in the lower pool design studios of RMIT's Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design program. Reading through Slabalogue gives a great sense of the diverse range of work you are able to undertake as a student landscape architect.

Groundbreakers is a series where we profile women in landscape architecture, and their notable work. Each edition profiles 4 women, their projects, and a reading list of fantastic books.

The brainchild of SLAB 2020 member Shanley Price, the series gives an opportunity to learn about the legacy many women in our profession have given us. Their exceptional work is celebrated in these pages, cultivated each edition to give contrast and broad examples.

Slabalogue 2 is the second publication in the Slabalogue series. It collects together design studio and major project work completed by students across the landscape architecture program at RMIT.

Reading through Slabalogue gives a great sense of the diverse range of work you are able to undertake as a student landscape architect.

2019 SLAB Treasurer Gerarnd Snowdon provides contemporary design theory and philosophical references to make sense of Kanye West's positions. I decided to make this after watching an October 2019 Beats 1 interview, and my mind went to Walden, modernist panning principles, Pallasmaa, natural aesthetics, Noguchi, Kate Orff, Alain de Button. This booklet shares sources from design, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, history and philosophy on themes from the interview. Gerard Snowdon - 2019 @gerardsnowdon

This inaugural issue of SLABalogue collects together exceptional work produced in the lower pool design studios of RMIT's Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design program. Reading through Slabalogue gives a great sense of the diverse range of work you are able to undertake as a student landscape architect.